Joe Nichols Headlines Fundraiser on ISP Rig

June 3, 2017

Country Radio Station WYCD joined forces with Vets Returning Home to host a fundraising concert headlining country star Joe Nichols.

The event was held at the 2300 seat Emerald Theatre in Mount Clemens, MI to raise funds for the nonprofit Vets Returning Home organization that helps veterans with medical, psychological, educational and housing needs.

Country Music star Joe Nicols played through an ISP Technologies 20 box (10 per side) High Definition Line Array system. Each side consisted of 5 each of the patented True Four-Way™ HDL4212’s and the HDL4210 line array boxes. With patented DCAT™ power amplifications, the HDL4212’s have two 1000 watt RMS amp modules producing a true 2000 watts RMS (4000 peak) per element, and the HDL4210’s have one amp module producing a true 1000 watts RMS (2000 peak) per element. To round out the system, 3 per side of the ISP XMAX 212 horns subwoofers were used as well. In total, the ISP Front of House rig was a total of 36,000 watts of True RMS power.

Two opening acts, special guests Ray Scott and Joey Vee also played. The venue was packed with standing room only to both pay tribute to Veterans and to enjoy the great country music. To learn more about Vets Returning Home, visit To learn more about ISP Technologies Pro Audio Gear, which is all Made In the USA and covered under several patents, visit

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